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Fiction in action is a real demolition. It pushes us to the realization that we never look objectively, that we always need to see something and that if we don’t see what we want to see, we often think that there’s nothing to see.
                                                                                                                                                                             P.T’Jonck, De Morgen, (BE) Dec 2012

In Fiction in action (2012) Nada Gambier goes searching for the border between abstraction and narration, looking for a physical language that carries the potential of narrative yet avoiding the creation of ‘a story’ or a linear communication. In our need to rationalize experience we sometimes fail to recognize the power of intuition. This piece is an attempt at accepting the not knowing while at the same time giving the viewer the freedom to create his own interpretation, be it rational or not, of what he experiences while watching.


Together with performer Norberto Llopis Segarra, composer Christophe Albertijn and light-designer Marc Dewit Nada constructs an indeterminate fiction in which associations of meaning are triggered in the viewer. Her goal is to look for meanings that appear out of abstraction while allowing them to disappear and transform.


Fiction in action is a performance that radiates a sense of purpose while by nature being non-sensical. For Nada the stage is a space in which a dialogue between performer and spectator contribute to the creation of possibilities and challenging perspectives on the way we function in the world. In Fiction in action imagination and intuition are what nurture this exchange.

Concept and choreography by: Nada Gambier
Performed by: Nada Gambier and Norberto Llopis Segarra
Sound: Christophe Albertijn
Light design: Marc Dewit
Artistic advice by: Claire Croizé and Etienne Guilloteau
Administration: Klein Verzet
Produced by: Action Scénique
Co-produced by: TAKT Dommelhof, Neerpelt (BE), Workspacebrussels (BE), Kunstcampus deSingel, Antwerp (BE) and BUDA Arts Center, Kortrijk (BE)

Supported by: Pianofabriek kunstenwerkplaats Brussels (BE), wp Zimmer, Antwerp (BE), C-mine, Genk (BE), L’L, Brussels (BE), KLAP Maison pour la danse- Kelemenis & Cie, Marseille (FR), Théâtre du Marché aux Grains-Le Grand Jeu, Bouxwiller (FR) and SACD Belgium

The creation of Fiction in action was made possible through the support of STROOM, de cultuursubsidie voor beloftevol talent van de Provincie Limburg and 

the Flemish Ministry of Culture (project subsidies)

© Bart Grietens 2012

Fiction in action has been presented in
Belgium: Bouge B, de Singel, Antwerp

C-Mine Genk

Beursschouwburg, Brussels

Buda Arts Center, Kortrijk

Takt Dommelhof, Neerpelt
Finland: Zodiak, Helsinki



For more information and a full recording of the work please send a mail to
For upcoming performances, check out the AGENDA

© Nada Gambier 

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